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Brittney Stafford, Graphic Design Student

     I am a college senior. Me and the other senior art students are all getting ready for our Senior Art Exhibit, next month. Making a website is part of the exhibition I guess. I am a Art major with a concentration of graphic design. I haven't decided what i want to do with my life yet. I mean I have two choices; either be a grahic designer or video game designer, but I can't decide which one I want to do more. Anyway my theme for the show is based on Native American culture. I chose this theme because I am half indian on my dad's side of the family, and I am extremely proud of that, so I wanted to do a homage for my father, who passed away when I was little.

    So what I am doing is making art based on how Native Americans have their social hierarchy set up:men are the protectors/providers, while women are the caretakers. I am also including spirit guides, which are basically animals that represent some personal aspect such as courage, wisdom, etc. I am also including their deities as well such as the sun god Takushkanshkan and his wife the Moon.

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